BOTH hangs aviation shingle

Looking to offer back of the office (BOTH) support to the myriad one-person businesses in aviation (instructors and mechanics particularly) BOTH introduced itself to the aviation world at AOPA’s Aviation Summit earlier this month.

Most flight instructors and mechanics get into those professions because they want to teach people to fly, or turn wrenches, not push business paperwork. But as they say, the devil is in the details. And in the details exist billing, banking, insurance, retirement planning, taxes, and more.

BOTH “turns every solo worker into a business of one” while freeing them to focus more energy on the revenue-generating portion of their business, according to company officials.

The company charges a one-time set-up fee of $1,995 and then $399 per month (health insurance and retirement plans are extra) once an application is vetted.

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