A tough winter for ethanol

The GAfuels Blog is written by two private pilots concerned about the future availability of fuels for piston-engine aircraft: Dean Billing, Sisters, Ore., an expert on autogas and ethanol, and Kent Misegades, Cary, N.C., an aerospace engineer, aviation sales rep for U-Fuel, and president of EAA1114.

With ethanol production now accounting for 40% of the US corn crop, a doubling in the world price for corn commodities in the past year, the resulting increase in the prices we pay for food and E10 fuel, the tragic unrest in the Middle East that began with protests in Tunisia over food prices, and more frequent calls for an end to ethanol subsidies by members of Congress, it has been a tough few months for the ethanol industry.


===> Posted on April 24, 2011 by Kent Misegades. No comments. © GAN 2011